Davida news, events and features filter by custom helmets

Davida 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride Event Helmets

Davida 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride Event HelmetsDavida 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride Event Helmets – Davida will donate £10 to DGR for every helmet sold                            September 27th 2015 Available now through Davida Dealers the 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride Event Helmets. For every 2015 DGR Helmet sold Davida will be making […]  » Read more

The post Davida 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride Event Helmets appeared first on davida news events and features.

by Davida on August 26, 2015

Davida Specials For The Top 4 Fundraisers Of The 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride

Davida Specials For The Top 4 Fundraisers Of The 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen's RideSEPTEMBER 27th 2015 DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN’S RIDE Once again Davida have been chosen by DGR for their 2015 event helmets. These Prize Winners designs are for the four people who raise the highest amount of money. “The top four highest fundraisers globally will receive a truly unique and rare reward. Kings and Queens have their crowns, but that […]  » Read more

The post Davida Specials For The Top 4 Fundraisers Of The 2015 Distinguished Gentlemen’s Ride appeared first on davida news events and features.

by Davida on August 24, 2015

Davida at Wheels and Waves Biarritz 2015 -Part 2

IMG_8755The main action at Wheels and Waves Biarritz 2015  took place at the Cité de l’Ocean structure, a successful conceptual piece of modernist architecture, designed to mirror the sea and the sky, it looks like it could have been designed by Dave Arnold of Dirt Quake and Sideburn Magazine, he designs and builds skateparks and that’s exactly […]  » Read more

The post Davida at Wheels and Waves Biarritz 2015 -Part 2 appeared first on davida news events and features.

by Davida on July 15, 2015



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