Sammy Miller Pre 65 British Trials Championship Round 1

par dev sur March 17, 2009


Sammy Miller Pre 65 British Trials Championship Round 1

Davida are proud to be involved with Cameron Racings entry into; the pre 65 Championships 2009, below is the how they got on in round 1:

 8th March 2009 Newton Abbott, Devon

With everyone looking forward to a new start to the 2009 Championship and some new teams entering the series the day arrived with much anticipation. Rob & Andy were allocated start number 4 so got off to an early 10.04am start. The course was set out over approximately 35 miles including a lot of highway/road distance & involved 34 sections (special tests). The day started cold but dry, later though all the teams endured every angle of weather the Dartmoor  area could throw at them (one spell including snow!).

With a competitive entry Rob & Andy had a tall order and did make some mistakes (silly ones at that), they made up for these throughout the rest of the trial though. Rob had made some alterations over the winter to improve the sidecar even more from 2008 spec but one of these meant that the teams engine did not perform to it’s best. Both knew that the minor valve timing alteration would be somewhat of an “experiment

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